Mon 27 Jan
••► •¨¨*•-:SUNDAy FUNDAy WitH¦:**(¯` ARabeLla¸.•'´¯) tHE(¯`'•.GiiRL¸.•'´¯)NEXt DOOR* .☆❤️ - 21
(Austin, Downtown, Outcall only)
❄️💦👑🙊🐰SNOWBUNNY💋 Outcalls 🚗💨💨 On Time 🕐♥️ Promise To Leave You NEEDING MORE😘😍😏😈 Ask About My Friend👯💋🌷 - 19
(Killeen, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
SLℹ🅿🅿e®¥ 💞 🍯1OOO%ⓇⒺⒶⓁ★ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 💞 🔴 ⓒⓛⓐⓢⓢⓨ ★▂💦PeTiTe *PREttY😳iDo what She Dont💦 - 24
(Arboretum, Austin, Austin, Domain, North)
Sexxy " Mature " Smokin " Hot " MaMa { Let Me Entertain U ! } C.Cards ~*~ Pay Pal - 36
(austin,Georgetown Rondrock$much more)
Savannah! Sexy Blonde Bombshell! Discrete Companionship Necessary! Professional Gentleman Only. - 34
(Austin, Incall Off of 290 E)
Ready for some fun 100/30 Couples Friendly!!! Hispanic BBW don't be scared! Wink! - 19
(Austin, south 35)
★★ REAL PICS ★★ ▬▬LAST DAY▬ ★★ ASIAN DOLL ★★ ▬▬▬▬ ★★ SWEET★★ ▬▬▬▬ ★★ ★★ ▬▬IN ▬▬OUT ★★ CALL ★★ - 23
(183 N, ARBORETUM, Austin)
%*%*%*%* . . * . . . * . . * . PRETTY SWEETHEART .*. YOUR DREAMGIRL . * . . * . . . * . . *%*%*%*% - 22
New To The City {Great Specials} *ECCIE & P411 VERIFIED* {101% Real Photos} Available Now
(upscale incall)
(Austin, South Austin Private Incall)
80 Upscale hottie 💞 100%Real 💋 100% Satisfactory 💕 80 - 22
Tuesday 12.23 Specials !! **Sexy,Secretary *120hh SP ....727-831-7844 / Discreet In Call / MY CONDO - 29
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater 1 mi. So. of Countryside Mall)
__ "New In TowN" __ "YounG" __ "HornY" __ "" __ "FreaK" __ "WiTh" __ "A" __ "CuTe" __ "KiTTy" - 19
(183 & Mopac (IN&OUT;))
!!!!!!!!!! TIME 2 ENJOY YOUR DAY !!!!!!!!!! 160/HR !!!!! Don't miss out !!!!! - 23
(In Call Only A.F.B area)
Your voluptuous, irresistible and NNJ Latina sensual angels r here - 21
Tension Releif In All The Right Places ❤ __❤ ~~*~~ Top Stress Relief ~*~ $ 100 Special - 27
(Hillsborough Co, Wesley Chapel,SR 54, I 75, Bruce B Downs)
*♥LiVy ThE CuTie, WiTh ThE BooTy*♥Temp new## avail for in or outcall *♥ - 24
(Scranton, (WilkesBarre incall) outcallhazltn/tunk)
nEw eXotIc mIxEd gOdDeSS★☆♛♥ °o♥o° •☆•§W€€† § H€AV€N ☆BU† NÂUGH†Y § H€LL♥♛80 ss - 23
(Scranton, ★☆★☆Pittston Incalls★☆★☆)
Ms Jasmine ready & available SpECiaLs available Rite NOW!! OutCall special 5708811861 - 23
(Scranton, Your place or mine WB)
💖💛💙💜💖💛💙 💜💖💛💙 N-E-W-COME ING💜💖💛💜💙💖 💜💛 JAPANESE💛💙💖💜💛💙💜💖💛💙 REAL PIC'S💖💜💛💙💜💖💛 - 21
(Scranton, 💚🎀💚HWY 315💙WILKES-BARRE💙PITTSTON💚🎀💚)
Hottest MILF in Austin💋🌟💖 Available Now!💖🌟😘👠RockinRoxxy🌟💋👑 - 31
(Austin, Ben White & I-35 S)
* kassy * SundayFunday(; YoungSexyndSweet ~ - 20
(Scranton, Scranton Wilkes Barre surrounding areas)
Kendra's LEAVING at NOON on WED! 💎 ✔ & I'm ☆ Alw@ys On My N@ughtiest ☆ Beh@vior!! ★ NO TEXTING★ - 34
(Scranton, WILKES BARRE)
I want to be your girl tonight - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Center City, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, In town, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
💜💜💛💛INcALL& OuTcALL ONLY**AVA**SExY &MaTuRe; 💜💜💛💛 - 46
(Scranton, Wilkes-barre and surrounding areas)
✨New 👑Columbian Princess 💎Official exclusive 💎Miss Kardash💋 highly reviewed💯 (980)319-5380 - 21
(Scranton, Wilkes barre)
come find your destiny. the defendants between me an her... i make this look good... - 21
Cant beat special!!! $130/hr lowest price ever Great reviews! Non drug user! outcalls only please - 31
(Columbus, OUTCALL Only Columbus & suburbs)
☆█ ▄___ (((MONdAy ALL NItE SeXy SAVANNAH !!# $$$Specials$$$!!! GReaT REviEwS# ♥• ))) ___▄ █ ☆ - 24
(Pinellas Co, OUTCALL/some INcall PINELLAS,HILLS)
* * NeEd 2 ReLaX * * LeTs GeT ThIs PaRtY StArTeD * * 24/7 ReAl & LaIDBaCk * * 8o In ~ 120 OuT * * * - 21
(Long Beach, 110~ 405~ 91~ Southbay ~ Incall Outcall)
💣💟💥💟 Sexy Hot MATURE WOMAN!★Exotic BIG BOOTY KINKY COUGAR★Ms ANGELA★ $80 Specials💟💣💥💟💣 - 40
(84TH AVE & I-25 NORTH DENVER, City of Denver, Denver)
( NEW) JusT LooK AnD See WhAt ALL The FuSs Is AbouT [ Fr3akie] SpECiaLs - 20
(secaucus & meadowlands area)
♥NEW ❤▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥Just Arrived♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥Japanese BARBIE ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ - 23
(North Jersey, South Hackensack ♥ ♥)
:-: Sexy Blonde and Brunette Duo!!! :-: Highly Reviewed!! :-: Amazing Specials!! :-: - 18
(DTC or Your Place)
☆NaUgHtY iTaLiAn & iRiSh BrUNeTTe☆♡DoUbLe D's & ReAdY To PLeAsE♡i WiLL TREaT YoU liKe A KiNg BaBy!!! - 23
(North Jersey, PaRsiPPanY, ALWAYS AVAiLABLE)
***** M A K E ... Y O U R ... T H U R S D A Y ... A W E S O M E ** INCALLS ..100**** - 36
(Pinellas Co, indian rocks/ulmerton area)
Kristi Hott Long Legged Blonde Green eyed Beauty for your pleasure Available Now I am the one 4 u - 40
(Long Beach, long beach central)
###~~~* I wAnnA feeL It *~~ MAKE me ~~* 323 335 6092 ms BIG booty - 19
(Long Beach, 91/605/ 5/ PIONEER/ ARTESIA/BELFLOWER/NK)
Sexy Tan☀️💄Blue-eyed Blonde~ *♡*LOVE to Kiss & Cuddle! *♡* OutCall Avail 💋💋 - 31
(Northern Virginia, Out Calls Only)
: ::*: ; I Will MAKe YouR ZIPPer!!!$$ 60 QuiCk :* Check OUT this A$$ : ::*: ;.:* $$ 60 - 22
(ArTeSia (91/605/105))